Seminario Young Learners (Cambridge English)

Seminario Young Learners (Cambridge English)_france-take-an-exam-cambridge-yle-16980

El 31 de Marzo realizaremos un seminario para profesores de inglés en nuestro centro, enfocado a los exámenes de Young Learners (Starters, Movers & Flyers). Si eres un profesor y estas interesado en asistir, ve a este enlace para registrarte y poder asistir. No tiene ningún coste pero las plazas son limitadas y la fecha limite para apuntarse es el 28 de marzo.


More info:
• to give a brief overview of the Cambridge English: Flyers Reading and Writing Test
• to provide tips and suggest classroom activities for teachers that will motivate young learners
• to look at ways of incorporating exam preparation into classes in a fun and motivating way
• to support teachers in helping students to achieve the required level
• to give a brief overview of the Cambridge English: Flyers Listening Test
• to provide tips and suggest classroom activities for teachers to use that will motivate young learners
• to look at ways of incorporating exam preparation into classes in a fun and motivating way
• to suggest exam tips and classroom preparation ideas

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